About Ask Your Old Head
Askyouroldhead.com is a creative project exploring modern manhood at the intersection of race, gender, and class. We are specifically interested in capturing the stories of transition from young man to healthy adult. Here you will find a mix of stories, commentary, opinion, exposure, exploration, and a challenge to study your own beliefs and assumptions about manhood. Everything under the Sun is up for investigation, exploration, and discussion. Please laugh, learn, and add on.
Askyouroldhead.com is brought to you by Justice Rajee (@justicerajee) and the occasional guest. If you like what you see, hear, and read feel free to share, comment and kick in some cash if the moment takes you. Connect with the project on most social media platforms @justicerajee. Peace
Justice Rajee is a father, brother, and a son. He writes, he records sounds, he tells stories, he listens for people's truth and tries to give it a chance to be seen and heard.